Monday, March 31, 2008

Eightteen: Silent Night. . .


Angelina had gotten a couple of hours of sleep, but nightmares kept her from any real rest. Finally she decided to make her rounds and check on the children. The night was cold and damp, the old house moaned as the bitter winter winds beat against its artificial shell. The first room was dark and warm from the rusty radiator in the corner, and all six of the children were in their beds, one was moaning slightly from a dream, but it didn’t seem that there was any need to wake the child, Lisa, who was probably just playing catch or tag or the like in her sleep. The second bedroom, although smaller, was also safe and sound, and the three children who shared it were all quietly tucked in, although Arnie noticed Angelina’s presence and began to whine slightly as she entered. After stroking his head for a moment he went back to sleep, and seemed content enough in his dream world to be left alone again. Only one more room to go, Angelina told herself, and it sounds pretty quiet, hopefully he’s actually getting some sleep… hopefully.

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